Sons of Anarchy is an American television drama series created by Kurt Sutter about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club operating in Charming, a fictional town in the Central Valley of Northern California. The show centers on protagonist Jax Teller , the then-Vice President of the club who begins questioning the club and himself.
Sons of Anarchy is the story of the Teller-Morrow family of Charming, California, as well as the other members of Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original (SAMCRO), their families, various Charming townspeople, and the various rivals, associates, and different law agencies who undermine or support SAMCRO’s legal and illegal enterprises. Sons of Anarchy follows the Sons of Anarchy motorcycle club but features a number of ally and rival gangs, as well.
The Sons of Anarchy (SOA) is an outlaw motorcycle club with many charters in the United States and overseas. The show focuses on the original and founding charter, Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original, referred to by the acronym SAMCRO or Sam Crow. This nickname is also reflected in the original title of the show, Forever Sam Crow. The Redwood charter is headquartered in Charming, California, in a clubhouse adjacent to the Teller-Morrow auto mechanic shop. Led by President Clay Morrow, the club protects and controls Charming through close community relationships, bribery and violent intimidation.
John Teller and Piney Winston co-founded SAMCRO in 1967 following their return from the Vietnam War, where both men served in the paratroops. The first charter was called “Redwood” because they weren’t settled in any one city but just cruised the Northern California coast from Eureka to Big Sur, which is Redwood country. It wasn’t until after Gemma, John’s wife, became pregnant with her first son, Jackson (Jax), that they decided to settle in Charming, the town where Gemma grew up. At that point, John Teller thought Charming was a little too cute for a charter name, so he called the charter the Redwood Originals. That’s when the SAMCRO handle was born. Six of the “Redwood Original 9″ members were veterans; Clay Morrow was the youngest of the original members. John died in 1993, Gemma remarried to Clay. John and Gemma’s son, Jax, grows up around the club and becomes Vice President of SAMCRO. Jax is also connected to Tara, a doctor at St. Thomas Hospital.
Club members wear vests known as cuts or kuttes. The SOA patch on the back is a Grim Reaper holding a crystal ball with the anarchy “A”, and wielding the Reaper’s traditional scythe, the handle of which has been replaced by the M16 rifle that the club’s founders wielded in Vietnam. Only full members can wear the “patch”. Other, smaller patches on the vest stand for different things, examples being “Men of Mayhem”, which is worn by club members who have spilled blood on the club’s behalf, and “First 9″, worn by the original nine members of SOA. Jax also commonly wears a cap with the words “Reaper Crew”, and at least five female characters affiliated with the club have SOA tattoos.
4 seasons have been already emitted and a 5th one is going to be premiered on September. Here there is a video as a premiere of the 5th season:
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